www.dlr.de · Antonin RAFFIN · Getting Started with Gym and RL in Practice · RL Tutorial ICRA 2022 · 23.05.2022

RL in Practice

Getting Started with Gym and Stable-Baselines3

Antonin RAFFIN (@araffin2)
German Aerospace Center (DLR)


Explosive motions with RL

Reinforcement Learning 101


Today Tutorial

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  1. What is Gym?
  2. RL on a custom task
  3. Getting started with Stable-Baselines3

What is Gym? (1/2)


								import gym

								# Create the environment
								env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
								# Reset env and get first observation
								obs = env.reset()

								# Step in the env with random actions
								# and display the env
								for _ in range(100):
								    # Display the env

								    action = env.action_space.sample()
								    # Retrieve new observation, reward, termination signal
								    # and additional infos
								    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

								    # End of an episode
								    if done:
								        obs = env.reset()


Live Demo

What is Gym? (2/2)

A collection of environments.

RL in Practice: Tips and Tricks

Full video: https://rl-vs.github.io/rlvs2021/tips-and-tricks.html

Today: only about how to define custom task

Defining a custom task

  • observation space
  • action space
  • reward function
  • termination conditions

RL 102

rl icra

Choosing the observation space

  • enough information to solve the task
  • do not break Markov assumption
  • normalize!

CartPole Observation Space

							    Type: Box(4)
							    Num     Observation               Min                     Max
							    0       Cart Position             -4.8                    4.8
							    1       Cart Velocity             -Inf                    Inf
							    2       Pole Angle                -0.418 rad (-24 deg)    0.418 rad (24 deg)
							    3       Pole Angular Velocity     -Inf                    Inf
							high = np.array(
							        self.x_threshold * 2,
							        self.theta_threshold_radians * 2,

							self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high, dtype=np.float32)


Choosing the Action space

  • discrete / continuous
  • complexity vs final performance

CartPole Action Space

					        Type: Discrete(2)
					        Num   Action
					        0     Push cart to the left
					        1     Push cart to the right
							self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(2)

Choosing the reward function

  • start with reward shaping
  • primary / secondary reward
  • normalize!

CartPole Reward

							if not done:
							    reward = 1.0

Termination conditions?

  • early stopping
  • special treatment needed for timeouts
  • should not change the task (reward hacking)

CartPole Termination

							done = bool(
							    x < -self.x_threshold
							    or x > self.x_threshold
							    or theta < -self.theta_threshold_radians
							    or theta > self.theta_threshold_radians

							# in the registration:


What's next?

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Stable-Baselines3 (SB3)

  • reliable implementations of RL algorithms
  • user-friendly
  • focus on model-free, single-agent RL
  • favour readability and simplicity over modularity


  • algorithms: A2C, DDPG, DQN, HER, PPO, SAC and TD3
  • clean and simple interface
  • fully documented
  • comprehensive (tensorboard logging, callbacks, ...)
  • training framework included (RL Zoo)
  • SB3 Contrib: QR-DQN, TQC, TRPO, recurrent PPO, ...

Getting Started

							import gym
							from stable_baselines3 import SAC

							# Train an agent using Soft Actor-Critic on Pendulum-v1
							env = gym.make("Pendulum-v1")
							model = SAC("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1)

							# Train the model

							# Save the model

							# Load the trained model
							model = SAC.load("sac_pendulum")
							# Start a new episode
							obs = env.reset()
							# What action to take in state `obs`?
							action, _ = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
  • training, loading, plotting, hyperparameter optimization
  • W&B integration
  • 100+ trained models + tuned hyperparameters
  • (soon) Huggingface integration
  • (soon) C++ export

								# Train an A2C agent on Atari breakout using tuned hyperparameters,
								# evaluate the agent every 10k steps and save a checkpoint every 50k steps
								python train.py --algo a2c --env BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 \
								    --eval-freq 10000 --save-freq 50000
								# Plot the learning curve
								python scripts/all_plots.py -a a2c -e BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 -f logs/

Longer hands-on SB3

Full video: https://rl-vs.github.io/rlvs2021/tips-and-tricks.html


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Backup Slides

Which algorithm to choose?

Algo flow

Continuous action space: Normalize? Normalize!

							from gym import spaces

							# Unnormalized action spaces only work with algorithms
							# that don't directly rely on a Gaussian distribution to define the policy
							# (e.g. DDPG or SAC, where their output is rescaled to fit the action space limits)

							# LIMITS TOO BIG: in that case, the sampled actions will only have values
							# around zero, far away from the limits of the space
							action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1000, high=1000, shape=(n_actions,), dtype="float32")

							# LIMITS TOO SMALL: in that case, the sampled actions will almost
							# always saturate (be greater than the limits)
							action_space = spaces.Box(low=-0.02, high=0.02, shape=(n_actions,), dtype="float32")

							# BEST PRACTICE: action space is normalized, symmetric
							# and has an interval range of two,
							# which is usually the same magnitude as the initial standard deviation
							# of the Gaussian used to sample actions (unit initial std in SB3)
							action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(n_actions,), dtype="float32")