A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked.
Learning directly on real robots
In the papers...
Rudin, Nikita, et al. "Learning to walk in minutes using massively parallel deep reinforcement learning." CoRL, 2021.
...in reality.
Duclusaud, Marc, et al. "Extended Friction Models for the Physics Simulation of Servo Actuators." (2024)
Credit: ESA/NASA
After, with the 1kg arm
After, new arm position + magnet
truncation vs termination
Timeout: max_episode_steps=4
An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks
Raffin et al. "An Open-Loop Baseline for Reinforcement Learning Locomotion Tasks", RLJ 2024.
Raffin et al. "Learning to Exploit Elastic Actuators for Quadruped Locomotion" In preparation, 2023.
Padalkar, Abhishek, et al. "Guiding Reinforcement Learning with Shared Control Templates." ICRA 2023.
Quere, Gabriel, et al. "Shared control templates for assistive robotics." ICRA, 2020.
Raffin, Antonin, Jens Kober, and Freek Stulp. "Smooth exploration for robotic reinforcement learning." CoRL. PMLR, 2022.
Up to 20x faster!
Stable-Baselines3 (PyTorch) vs SBX (Jax)
More gradient steps: 4x more sample efficient!
Also have a look at TQC, TD7 and CrossQ.
Using SB3 + Jax = SBX: https://github.com/araffin/sbx
Ex: Controlling tendons forces instead of motor positions
Raffin, Antonin, Jens Kober, and Freek Stulp. "Smooth exploration for robotic reinforcement learning." CoRL. PMLR, 2022.
David (aka HASy)
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
python -m rl_zoo3.cli all_plots -a sac -e HalfCheetah Ant -f logs/ -o sac_results
python -m rl_zoo3.cli plot_from_file -i sac_results.pkl -latex -l SAC --rliable
# Train an SAC agent on Pendulum using tuned hyperparameters,
# evaluate the agent every 1k steps and save a checkpoint every 10k steps
# Pass custom hyperparams to the algo/env
python -m rl_zoo3.train --algo sac --env Pendulum-v1 --eval-freq 1000 \
--save-freq 10000 -params train_freq:2 --env-kwargs g:9.8
└── Pendulum-v1_1 # One folder per experiment
├── 0.monitor.csv # episodic return
├── best_model.zip # best model according to evaluation
├── evaluations.npz # evaluation results
├── Pendulum-v1
│ ├── args.yml # custom cli arguments
│ ├── config.yml # hyperparameters
│ └── vecnormalize.pkl # normalization
├── Pendulum-v1.zip # final model
└── rl_model_10000_steps.zip # checkpoint