
S-RL Toolbox: Environments, Datasets and Evaluation Metrics for State Representation Learning

State representation learning aims at learning compact representations from raw observations in robotics and control applications. Approaches used for this objective are auto-encoders, learning forward models, inverse dynamics or learning using …

PythonRobotics: a Python code collection of robotics algorithms

This is a Python code collection of robotics algorithms, especially for autonomous navigation.

Simple and Robust {Computer — Arduino} Serial Communication

Arduino built-in functions for sending/receiving data are not very handy and sturdy. We introduce a protocol to communicate (using serial port, bluetooth or sockets) with the Arduino (but not only) in a simple and robust way.

Autonomous Racing Robot With an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi and a Pi Camera

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Racing Robot

Autonomous Racing Robot With an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi and a Pi Camera

Arduino Robust Serial

A simple and robust serial communication protocol. Implementation in C Arduino, C++, Python and Rust.